50 Powerful Prayers Against Dream Attackers


Dreams are gateways to our spiritual reality, but sometimes they become battlegrounds where malevolent forces attack. Dream attackers are spiritual entities that invade our sleep, causing nightmares, fear, and spiritual oppression. 

These attacks often manifest as recurring nightmares, sleep paralysis, or spiritual harassment that leaves you exhausted upon waking. 

These are 50 powerful prayers against dream attackers that can help you reclaim your life, establish spiritual protection around your life. These targeted prayers will equip you with spiritual ammunition to combat these nocturnal invasions.

Understanding Dream Attacks


Dream attacks are spiritual invasions that occur during sleep, leaving tangible effects on our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Recognizing these attacks is the first step to fighting back effectively against these forces.

Dream attacks are spiritual assaults that occur during sleep when our conscious defenses are lowered.  They’re also calculated spiritual invasions which create fear, drain spiritual energy, and establish footholds in your life.

These attacks often become stronger when a person is growing spiritually or going through important changes in life. This shows that the enemy is trying to stop them on purpose.

Common signs of dream attacks include recurring nightmares, waking up feeling physically exhausted despite adequate sleep hours, experiencing sleep paralysis where you feel conscious but unable to move, sensing an evil presence in your bedroom, waking up with unexplained physical marks or pain, and persistent feelings of fear or dread about going to sleep. 

Many victims report consistent dreams about being chased, attacked, or threatened by animals, or unknown entities. Some experience dreams of drowning, falling, or being trapped which leave them with lingering anxiety throughout the day.

The Bible acknowledges spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Dream attacks represent one battlefront in this spiritual conflict. Understanding that these attacks have spiritual origins empowers you to fight back with spiritual weapons, primarily through prayer and faith.

Scriptures Against Dream Attackers


God’s Word provides numerous examples of divine dream intervention and protection. In Matthew 2:13, God warned Joseph through a dream to flee to Egypt with Mary and baby Jesus to escape Herod’s murderous plans. This demonstrates God’s willingness to protect His children even in their sleep.

The Bible also reveals that God can seal our dreams from corruption. Job 33:15-16 tells us, “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings.” This shows that God desires to communicate through dreams, not for them to become sources of torment.

Psalm 4:8 provides a beautiful promise for believers: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” This verse affirms that peaceful sleep is God’s intention for His children. When dream attackers violate this peace, we have every spiritual right to pray against them and reclaim our dream territory through the power of Christ.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). Prayer is one such weapon—perhaps the most powerful, that allows us to partner with God in establishing protection around our sleep and dreams.

A View on the Spiritual Background Behind Dream Attacks

When we understand the spiritual reasons behind dream attacks, we can pray better and fight back more effectively. Knowing how these attacks work helps us strengthen our spiritual defense and overcome them.


Dreams are a special part of human life where our spirit is more sensitive, and our logical thinking is weaker. When we sleep deeply, our brain is not as alert, making us more open to spiritual experiences. The Bible talks about times when “deep sleep falleth upon men” (Job 33:15), meaning that God can speak to us more clearly in our dreams.

However, the enemy also takes advantage of this state. Evil forces attack people in their sleep, especially when they are about to experience spiritual breakthroughs. These attacks are meant to create fear, doubt, and spiritual setbacks. The devil tries to plant negative things in our subconscious mind through disturbing dreams. Over time, these dreams can cause fear, emotional pain, or spiritual struggles in our daily lives.

These dream attacks often follow patterns seen in the Bible. They can involve accusations (Revelation 12:10), lies and deception (John 8:44), or fear and intimidation (2 Timothy 1:7). When we recognize these patterns, we can pray effectively to break free and protect ourselves.

Christians can guard themselves using biblical principles. This includes putting on the full armor of God before sleeping (Ephesians 6:10-18), praying over the bedroom, and speaking God’s promises of protection. Psalm 91:5 reassures us: “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night.”

By taking these steps, believers can overcome dream attacks and rest peacefully in God’s protection.

Some Spiritual Warfare Tips Against Dream Attackers


Begin by examining your heart for unconfessed sin or spiritual compromise that might create access points for dream attackers. Scripture warns us not to “give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:27), which applies to our dream life as well. Areas of unforgiveness, hidden anger, or deliberate disobedience can become spiritual vulnerabilities exploited during sleep. Through sincere repentance and receiving God’s forgiveness, these potential entry points are sealed.

Strengthen your spiritual foundation by immersing yourself in Scripture, particularly passages about God’s protection and victory over darkness. Memorizing verses like Psalm 91, Isaiah 54:17, and 2 Timothy 1:7 builds an internal reservoir of truth that continues working even while you sleep. Your subconscious mind, filled with God’s word, becomes a formidable defense against dream invaders.

Develop a consistent practice that includes surrendering your mind, heart, and dreams to God’s protection. Just as David said, “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8), make a deliberate practice of praying for divine protection. You could also include anointing your bedroom, playing worship music softly, or reading Scripture before sleeping.

Create a Prayer-Saturated Environment When You Sleep

Your physical sleeping space can significantly impact your spiritual vulnerability during sleep. Create an environment that honors God and resists dark influences provides another layer of protection against dream attackers.

Begin by decluttering your bedroom of items with questionable spiritual associations or that conflict with biblical principles. Objects connected to other religious practices, occult symbols, or morally compromising content can create spiritual access points that manifest in dreams. Scripture encourages believers to “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11), which includes removing their physical representations from your sleeping space.


Consider conducting a prayer of spiritual cleansing over your bedroom, you can anoint the doorposts, windows, and corners of your room with oil while declaring God’s ownership and protection over your house. Many believers report significant improvement in their dream experiences after establishing clear spiritual boundaries around their home.

Fill your environment with Scripture and worship. Technology allows us to play audio Bibles or gentle worship music throughout the night, creating a spiritual atmosphere that repels dark forces. The presence of God’s word has spiritual power as promised in Isaiah 55:11: “My word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire.”

Then, practice inviting the Holy Spirit to guard you before closing your eyes each night.  Remember that “He who watches over you will not slumber” (Psalm 121:3).

50 Powerful Prayers Against Dream Attackers

1. Father in the name of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. 

2. O Lord, I command every dream attacker assigned to terrorize my life through dreams be bound and cast out by the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


3. Father in the name of Jesus, I cut off every the spirit of fear, terror, and spiritual harassment in my dream life by the authority you’ve given me in the name of Jesus Christ.

4. I decree and declare that my life is sealed by the Holy Spirit, and no demonic intruder can penetrate the hedge of protection around me in the name of Jesus.

5. I decree that every backbone of recurring nightmares be broken. And every assignment of any spirit responsible for attacks through dreams against me be terminated now in the name of Jesus Christ.

6. O Lord, let your fire consume every evil altar where my peaceful sleep is being sacrificed by enemies of my soul. I reclaim my rest in the name of Jesus.

7. Father, I cancel the license of every  attacker and cut short their authority to operate my life spirit. In Jesus’ name.


8. According to your word in Luke 10:19 I trample upon serpents and scorpions that attack my life through dreams, rendering their venom. In the name of Jesus.

9. My Father, dispatch warring angels to guard the gateways of my life during sleep and to fight against every spiritual entity attacking my life. In the name of Jesus.

10. O Lord, let the light of your countenance shine upon me and expose every hidden attacks of the devil. In the name of Jesus.

11. Father in the name of Jesus, I break every ancestral covenant of my forefathers. Those chains are broken now. In Jesus’ name.

12. I apply the blood of Jesus to my home, bed, and bedroom, and create sanctuary impenetrable by attackers or agents of spiritual wickedness. In the name of Jesus.


13. My Father, restore everything stolen from me during vulnerable moments by the devil and and his cohort of darkness . In the name of Jesus.

14. O Lord, I take dominion over my mind and spirit, that they would reflect your peace  . In the name of Jesus.

15. Father in the name of Jesus, I command every marine spirit or water-based entity attacking me through dreams to be bound and returned to the abyss. In the name of Jesus .

16. I declare that dream attackers sent to transfer curses, sickness, or spiritual poison into my life through sleep encounters are rendered powerless now. In the name of Jesus.

17. I arise as a spiritual warrior and command the demons of darkness to flee from my sleep and never to return. In the name of Jesus


18. O Lord ,I take take authority and shut every spiritual portal through which the devil gain access to plant fear and oppression in my life. In the name of Jesus.

19. Father in the name of Jesus, I declare that my dreams are channels of divine revelation and blessing, not pathways for demonic visitation or spiritual attacks. In the name of name.

20. Father, render powerless every enchantment, spell, or incantation directed at my life by the forces of darkness against my peace. In the name of Jesus.

21. O Lord, let your walls of fire surround my consciousness mind, guarding me from the powers of darkness. In the name of Jesus.

22. Father in the name of Jesus, I disconnect my life from every evil altar where sacrifices are made to empower attacks against my and peace. In the name of Jesus.


23. I break agreement with fear and reject the expectation of nightmares, embracing instead God’s promise of peaceful sleep and divine dream guidance. In the name of Jesus.

24. Father, I silence every voice that speaks terror into my life and amplify your voice of peace that surpasses human understanding. In the name of Jesus.

25. I declare that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit at all time, and no demon has authority to violate this sacred dwelling. In the name of Jesus.

26. O Lord, let your angels encamp around my home and keep watch over my life, driving back forces that would turn my rest into warfare. In the name of Jesus.

27. I take authority over spirits of fear, harassment, and torment that specialize in dream attacks, and bind their operations against my sleep in the name of Jesus.


28. My Father, every ancestral or generational dream patterns that have allowed systematic attacks against my family and my generations be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

29. O Lord, let every evil marriage, initiation, or covenant established with me in dreams be annulled by the superior blood covenant of Jesus. In the name of Jesus.

30. Father in the name of Jesus, every evil seed planted in my spirit through dream attacks and replace them with seeds of divine peace and promise be uprooted in the name of Jesus.

31. I prohibit the transference of spiritual burdens, yokes, or problems to my life through dream attacks by the authority in Christ’s finished work. In the name of Jesus.

32. O Lord, every evil monitoring devices placed in my spiritual atmosphere to regulate and engineer attacks against my dream life be demolished in the name of Jesus.


33. Father in the name of Jesus, overthrow the throne of terror that has been established to rule over my dream experiences and nocturnal spiritual life. In Jesus’ name.

34. I stand against spiritual hunters and predators that search for victims during sleep hours, I declare that I am hidden in Christ beyond their reach in the name of Jesus.

35. My Father, let every dream attackers sent to derail my destiny through sleep battles be permanently reassigned away from my life and family now in the name of Jesus.

36. O Lord, I receive your divine exchange: beauty for ashes, peace for terror, and blessed dreams for nightmares that have plagued my sleep. In the name of Jesus.

37. Father in the name of Jesus, establish divine restraining orders in the spirit realm against persistent dream attackers that refuse to leave my territory. In Jesus’ name.

Powerful Prayers Against Dream Attackers


38. Heavenly Father, I bind and cast out every spirit of witchcraft attempting to manipulate my dreams and replace their influence with your divine protection in the name of Jesus.

39. Father, I demolish every stronghold of generational curses that attempt to infiltrate my dreams and disrupt my spiritual peace and destiny in the name of Jesus.

40. I command every demonic messenger sent to torment me through night visions to be immediately paralyzed and rendered powerless by the authority of Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name.

41. Lord, purge my dream life of every inherited spiritual programming designed to limit my potential and block my divine breakthrough. In the name of Jesus.

42. I decree total restoration of my spiritual gates and declare that only heavenly messages and divine revelations shall penetrate my dream space. In Jesus’ name.


43. Almighty God, send your warring angels to completely dismantle and destroy every satanic network assigned to monitor and manipulate my spiritual atmosphere in the name of Jesus.

44. Father, I release the fire of the Holy Ghost to burn and consume every negative seed planted in my dreams by agents of darkness in the name of Jesus.

45. I prophetically declare total liberation from midnight spiritual battles and claim continuous victory over every demonic assignment in the realm of dreams in the name of Jesus.

46. I break every covenant with spiritual death and reject all programmed dream patterns designed to limit my spiritual growth and divine destiny. In the name of Jesus.

47. I command every familiar spirit attempting to gain access through my bloodline to be permanently silenced and cast into eternal destruction in the name of Jesus.


48. I bind and paralyze every principality and power that seeks to conduct spiritual espionage against my life through dream manipulation in the name of Jesus.

49. I prophetically cut off every spiritual umbilical cord connecting me to negative ancestral patterns and spiritual bondages in the name of Jesus.

50. I command a complete shutdown of every spiritual frequency used by the enemy to transmit negative signals into my life’s spiritually in the name of Jesus.

51. I declare total victory, proclaiming that my dreams are now sanctified platforms for divine strategy, prophetic downloads, and spiritual transformation. In the name of Jesus.


 Through these 50 powerful prayers against dream attackers, you use your authority against these dream attackers and establish divine protection over your life. Your authority comes not from the words themselves but from the finished work of Christ and understanding your position in Him.


As you consistently apply these prayers and principles, expect progressive improvement in your dream experiences. The God who neither slumbers nor sleeps watches over your rest with tender care. He has given you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and overcome all the power of the enemy.

Apply this authority consistently in your  life, and walk in the freedom Christ has purchased for every area of your life—including peaceful, restorative sleep.

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