How Should Christian Parents Approach Teaching About Puberty Biblically?

How Should Christian Parents Approach Teaching About Puberty Biblically?


Puberty can be an awkward, confusing and sensitive time for kids and parents alike. As Christian mothers and fathers, we know God’s word offers guidance, yet we still wonder:

How should we talk about unexpected erections over family meals? Do we just pretend not to notice your daughter now needs a bras? Why is my sweet girl suddenly obsessed with that trouble-making boy?

undersatnding changing bodies and relationships from a biblical perspective has its challenges. Let’s be honest parents, we could all use a little advice!

That’s why I want this to be an open conversation. In the comments below, share your own dilemmas, questions and experiences. What chats made you cringe? What lessons did you learn the hard way?

My prayer is that this post becomes a judgment-free place where we can support each other.

Lord knows I don’t have it all figured out either. My daughter just asked me to explain tampons last week and I got flustered! But if we parents open our hearts in humility, I believe God will give us wisdom for each situation.

So brew your coffee or tea, grab a journal and let’s walk through this together. We’ll cover talking through physical changes, framing healthy sexuality and managing relationships the way Jesus would handle it. I don’t claim to be an expert but God’s word offers guidance. 

Most of all, remember our children’s identity is securely rooted in Christ’s love rather than changing hormones or peer pressure.

Now, who wants to share first? What’s been on your mind since your son or daughter started growing up?


Puberty is a sensitive time for pre-teens and teenagers. As Christian parents, we want to guide our kids through these changes biblically. But how exactly should we approach topics like developing bodies, relationships, identity and more from a faith perspective? Here is a comprehensive guide.

Understanding Physical Changes

Our bodies are wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14). Yet puberty can still be an awkward or confusing time for our sons and daughters. 

As Christian families, we must teach our pre-teens that these changes are a natural God-given process of growing into adulthood.

Girls and Puberty

Walk through physical changes like breasts development, menstruation and body hair growth in a positive, biblical way. Explain how monthly cycles represent new opportunities to grow in godliness (Proverbs 31:26). 

Reassure your daughter of her intrinsic worth and beauty as an image-bearer of God (Genesis 1:27). Pray together thanking Jesus for perfectly crafting each unique individual.

Boys and Puberty

Voice changes, facial hair growth and unexpected erections can embarrass sons. Affirm these are normal changes allowed by God in His perfect timing (Ecclesiastes 3:1). 

Do not shame or degrade. Explain unwanted public arousal is natural and will balance out. Encourage boys to focus on developing virtues like integrity.

Understanding Sexuality

These days with so many social media messages, Christian parents must frame their own biblical views on sex and identity before there kids 

Teach the goodness of sex within traditional marriage between a man and a woman (Hebrews 13:4). Warn about temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13) while instilling self-control and discipline.

Identity in Christ

As your teen’s body matures, affirm their unchanging identity in Jesus above gender, appearance or earthly labels (Galatians 3:28). 

Counter worldly views elevating sexual “identity” over Christ. Help teens anchor sense of purpose and belonging in Christian community.

Combating Sexual Immorality

Set clear guidelines around pornography, masturbation and sexual activity outside of marriage. Explain God’s call to purity (1 Timothy 4:12). 

Instill accountability through internet filters, phone checks and mentors. Warn of slippery slopes while outlining forgiveness in Christ.

Navigating Same-Sex Attraction

Some Christian teens may confess attraction to the same sex. Respond with love and truth (Ephesians 4:15). 

Teach them everyone is made in God’s image. God did not create female and female or male and male. He created male and female. That is His original design. 

Based on my belief any one who has same sex attraction needs some help. Clarify acting upon same-sex desires is still called sin (1 Corinthians 6:9). 

Offer spiritual counseling and practical resources to resist temptation.

Developing Healthy Relationships

As friendships take priority, help teens practice biblical relationship building.

Coach them in applying scriptures, wisdom and Christlike virtues while navigating drama, rejection, crushes, dating and more.

Choosing Good Friends

Advise on selecting righteous friends over worldly social status (Proverbs 13:20).

Set guidelines around technology, unsupervised hangouts and guarding hearts. Remind that only Jesus perfectly loves. Monitor anxieties, modelling self-confidence in Christ alone.

Romantic Interests

Establish ground rules for dating including curfews, transparent conversations and guarding purity.

Clarify biblically-defined marriage while discussing attraction and “the talk” openly. Warn about emotional entanglements outside committed relationships. Help lonely teens understand their worth in God versus the world.

Additional Resources

As Christian parents and mentors, we can make puberty and teenage years a meaningful time for spiritual growth. Rely on scripture while providing guidance and resources. 

Consider godly books.

Most importantly, pray for wisdom (James 1:5) and listen to the Holy Spirit nudges in order to point your kids to Jesus – the only One able to anchor identity during changing seasons of life.

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