Prayer against wasted efforts

Prayer Against Wasted Efforts

We all face times when our hard work and efforts seem to lead nowhere. Projects stall, relationships falter, jobs are lost – and we are left wondering why we bothered trying so hard when it was all for nothing.


At times like these, it is easy to feel discouraged and want to give up altogether. But there is power in prayer – lifting up our frustration and disappointment to God and asking for guidance, wisdom and favored outcomes. 

In this blog post, we will explore reasons why our efforts may seem wasted, the emotional toll this takes, and several encouraging prayers to renew our strength, realign our work with God’s purposes, and combat those spirits that come to steal our peace, joy and productivity.

Reasons Efforts Seem Wasted

There are many reasons why our hard work and best laid plans can appear to go nowhere:

  • Unclear goals or misaligned priorities
  • Poor planning and preparation
  • Distractions and time-wasters
  • Opposition from spiritual forces of evil
  • Closed doors/lost opportunities
  • Other people’s poor choices
  • Personal weaknesses/limiting beliefs.

When we feel our efforts have been in vain, self-doubt, confusion, anger and even depression can take root. This is why prayer is so important – it helps us process these feelings and find reassurance, wisdom and strength from on high.

The Emotional Toll of Wasted Efforts

When we work hard but don’t succeed, we often feel sad and upset. This can happen when we can’t finish projects, our efforts seem pointless, or we fail to reach our goals.

Thinking too much about these failures can lead to stronger bad feelings. We might get angry, feel bitter, or lose hope. Some people become very negative or feel worn out in body and mind.

If we hold onto these feelings, they can really hurt us. They can damage how we see ourselves, steal our joy, and stop us from being creative. These feelings can also keep us stuck, unable to move forward.

This can cause: 

  • Anger at oneself, others or even God
  • Resentment
  • Cynicism and apathy
  • Hopelessness/depression
  • Physical, mental and emotional exhaustion

These destructive mindsets and feelings gain power the longer we cling to them. They can seriously impact our sense of identity and self-worth, steal our joy and creativity, and keep us stuck. The best way to combat this and regain peace and productivity is through prayer.

Many people have received deliverance through these prayers.

Prayers Against Wasted Efforts

Here are some powerful prayers you can pray whenever your best efforts seem thwarted or plans go awry:

Prayer for Clarity and Wisdom

“Heavenly Father, when my work and efforts seem to go nowhere, I feel confused and discouraged. Renew my mind oh Lord, reveal any ways I might be misdirecting my energy or priorities.

Help me let go of assumptions, help me see things from an elevated perspective, and gain insight into what the next best steps might be.

Thank you for being a lamp unto my feet. Lord teach and guide me even in seasons of uncertainty. With your wisdom, I know my work can remain fruitful rather than wasted. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer for Guarding Our Hearts and Minds

Lord Jesus, guard my heart and mind when my projects, may I not fail Lord. Protect me from destructive thoughts and emotions like bitterness, resentment, and hopelessness.

Stand and watch over my heart and mind. Secure them in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). Help me to quickly spot and reject vain imaginations or malicious thinking that undermine my faith in You or steal my joy.

Strengthen me to trust You continually. Empower me to praise You at all times as I wait expectantly for breakthrough. In Your mighty name, amen.”

Prayer for Discerning Spiritual Attack

“Lord God, Your word says our real battles are against unseen forces of darkness that come to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Reveal to me any hidden attacks from the enemy that might be hindering my important work. Help me recognize Satan’s lies masquerading as my own thoughts of self-condemnation. Expose any attempts from evil spirits to cause confusion, sow tares, and thwart Kingdom plans.

You have given me power and authority in Jesus’ name to withstand these attacks and command the enemy to flee (Luke 10:19). May my discerning spiritual eyes be enlightened and my efforts align with Your purposes. Amen!”

Prayer for Release and Reward

“Heavenly Father, I admit feeling disappointed that my undertaking of [goal, project, work endeavor] did not come to fruition as intended.

I worked diligently in this, but blocked opportunities and closed doors have caused me to abandon it for now. I release this entire project into Your gracious hands for whatever redemptive purposes You might still have, asking

You bring forth any hidden fruits from my labors. While this undertaking did not unfold as I had hoped, nonetheless help me learn important lessons.

I choose to anchor my hope in Your overall vision for my life knowing You reward those who earnestly seek You (Hebrews 11:6) regardless of temporal outcomes. Guide me toward worthwhile work and give me perseverance to carry it out. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer Against Soul Ties with Past Failures/Disappointments

“Gracious Father, in my heart I still carry disappointments from past failed projects, relationships that ended poorly or previous jobs that did not work out.

The enemy uses this emotional baggage to discourage me from dreaming big dreams for my future. I repent and renounce any ungodly soul ties formed between my spirit and past unmet expectations. Jesus, please apply Your shed blood to sever these ties and heal all wounds from hopes dashed long ago.

I cancel all demonic assignments against my life because of past failures or wasted efforts – those covenants are OVER in Jesus’ mighty name! Lord, as I let go of old baggage, help me forgive myself and others. I ask for joyful expectancy as I surrender each new day to You.

Lead me to life-giving friendships, Kingdom assignments and rewarding work. In Yeshua’s name, amen!”

Prayer for Daily Encouragement and Strength

“Lord, during seasons when my hard work seems trivial and efforts appear wasted, I need Your daily encouragement and strength.

Please grant me powerful reminders of Your sovereignty, grace and abiding love on difficult days. Give me a warrior spirit to withstand opposition so I do not lose heart (2 Cor. 4:1, 16). Open my eyes to see and testify to small signs of progress or impact in my current work (Mark 6:6) – even tiny mustard seeds of promise. 

Grow my capacity to wait on You when plans stall or delay is required. Sharpen my skills and grant divine connections needed to move projects forward in Your timing.

Above all deepen my trust, obedience and devotion to You, God, as I commit to doing all as unto You – whether my work bears lasting fruit now or only in eternity (Col. 3:23-24). You are always good, always for me, always faithful, amen!”

The above prayers help us process disappointment, gain spiritual protection and perspective, surrender our efforts to God for His redemption and realignment, sever ungodly ties with past failures that can discourage us in the present, and receive daily strength and encouragement even amidst seeming fruitless seasons.

As we lift up our wasted efforts to God and lean wholly on Him, breakthroughs can come. We must persevere in hope.

30 powerful “Prayer Against Wasted Efforts

1. Every power of waste assigned against my life. Be banished in the name of Jesus.

2. Heavenly Father, All access points for wasters in to my life, be sealed off in the name of Jesus.

3. Oh Lord Almighty, expedite the release of my rightful harvest.

4. From this moment forward, let my efforts bear fruit in Your name, Jesus.

5. I decree and declare: Time and effort wasters, your reign over my life ends now  y the power of Holy Ghost.

6. In Jesus’ name, I dismantle all satanic plans to render my labor futile.

7. Father, restore every harvest of mine that has been under attack.

8. Lord, arrest any force poised to sabotage my destiny at the brink of success.

9. Heavenly Father, command my stifled efforts to yield abundantly now.

10. Open a new chapter of extraordinary harvest in my life, O Lord.

11. God of justice, destroy the works of opportunity wasters in my path.

12. Consume with Your holy fire all dark forces monitoring my God-given opportunities.

13. Jesus, help me correct any self-defeating attitudes inflicted by the enemy.

14. I nullify every scheme of destiny destroyers over my life in Christ’s name.

15. As You protected Jesus’ purpose, Father, shield me from those who would hinder mine.

16. Lord, break every demonic possession hindering my recognition of opportunities.

17. Grant me the grace of divine speed and direction in life, Heavenly Father.

18. Holy Spirit, quicken my mortal being and sharpen my spiritual perception.

19. Father, separate me from any agents of darkness disguised as friends.

20. I rebuke and cast out the influence of destiny-destroying neighbors and environmental covens.

21. Lord, dismantle the enchantments of star hunters targeting my life.

22. Let Your thunder destroy every evil monitoring device trained on my progress.

23. Heavenly Father, grant me wisdom to steward my time and resources effectively.

24. Jesus, empower me to recognize and seize divine opportunities.

25. I declare that my efforts align with God’s will and bear lasting fruit.

26. Holy Spirit, guide me to invest my energy in endeavors that glorify God.

27. Father, multiply the impact of my labor for Your kingdom’s sake.

28. Lord, shield my efforts from the corrosive effects of discouragement and doubt.

29. Jesus, redeem the time and resources I’ve lost to wasteful pursuits.

30. Heavenly Father, crown my diligence with success that testifies to Your goodness.

How to Move Forward After Wasted Efforts

When a goal goes unmet or a project comes to naught – despite our blood, sweat and tears – we must resist the urge to plunge into despair or self-pity. Instead, here are proactive steps we can take with God’s help to start moving forward again:

  • Take needed rest/refuel physically, mentally and spiritually
  • Release expectations and forgive others/self
  • Review what went wrong objectively
  • Discern spiritual roots behind failure
  • Brainstorm ideas for redemption of efforts
  • Dream bigger Kingdom dream for future
  • Make mini-goals to rebuild momentum
  • Try new strategies with lessons learned
  • Replenish inner hope and joy daily
  • Surround self with faith-filled encouragers

As long as we get up again each day and take steps forward with Jesus, we position ourselves for better outcomes going ahead. Our efforts impact lives – now and for eternity – in seen and unseen ways. 

God promises us good plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Therefore, we can confidently start over and expect breakthroughs in His perfect timing. Amen.

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