Prayers to Cancel Bad Dreams


Dreams have been a significant part of human existence since the beginning of time. They can be mysterious, enlightening, and sometimes troubling. 

Throughout history, dreams have played crucial roles in shaping the lives of individuals and even entire nations. But what exactly are dreams, and why should we take them seriously?

From a spiritual perspective, dreams can serve as divine revelations, offering guidance, warnings, and insights into God’s plans for our lives. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all dreams come from a divine source. 

Some dreams can be tools of attack used by the devil to instill fear, confusion, and negativity in our lives. Understanding the dual nature of dreams is crucial for effectively navigating our spiritual journey.

The Bible provides numerous examples of significant dreams, demonstrating their importance and the need to address them appropriately. 

For instance, in Genesis 20, God warns Abimelech in a dream abou
taking Abraham’s wife, Sarah. In Genesis 28, Jacob dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven, revealing God’s promise to bless him. 

These examples, along with many others, highlight the profound impact dreams can have and the necessity of taking them seriously.

What Are The Impact of Dreams

Revelations from God

Dreams can be powerful revelations from God, providing guidance, warnings, and insights that can shape our lives significantly. Let’s explore some key examples from the book of Genesis to understand how God uses dreams to communicate with us.

  • Genesis 20:3-7: God warns Abimelech in a dream not to take Abraham’s wife, Sarah, as his own. This dream saves Abimelech from committing a grave sin and protects Sarah.
  • Genesis 28:12: Jacob dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it. This dream reassures Jacob of God’s presence and His promise to bless him and his descendants.
  • Genesis 31:10: Jacob dreams of speckled and spotted livestock, revealing God’s plan to bless him with wealth and prosperity.
  • Genesis 37:7-10: Joseph dreams of his brothers’ sheaves bowing down to his sheaf and the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowing down to him. These dreams foreshadow Joseph’s future rise to power and leadership in Egypt.

These examples demonstrate that dreams can serve as divine channels of communication, offering guidance, protection, and reassurance. 

When we pay attention to these revelations, we align ourselves with God’s will and receive His blessings.

How Do Dreams Influence Us?

While dreams can be divine revelations, they can also be used by the devil to attack and manipulate us. Negative dreams can instill fear, confusion, and doubt, causing us to stray from God’s path. It’s crucial to recognize these negative influences and take steps to combat them.

An illustrative example of negative influences in dreams is the story of Pharaoh’s chief baker in Genesis 40:1-23. The chief baker dreams of carrying three baskets of bread on his head, but birds come and eat the bread from the baskets. 

Joseph interprets the dream, revealing that it signifies the chief baker’s imminent execution. This cautionary tale shows how negative dreams can foretell unfortunate events and the need to address them through prayer and spiritual warfare.

Why You Must Address Bad Dreams

Consequences of Ignoring Dreams

Ignoring bad dreams can have serious consequences. These dreams can be warnings of impending danger or spiritual attacks that, if left unaddressed, can manifest in our waking lives. By neglecting to pray against these negative influences, we leave ourselves vulnerable to potential harm and calamities.

For instance, if Joseph had ignored Pharaoh’s dreams of seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine (Genesis 41), Egypt would have faced severe hardship and suffering. Instead, Joseph’s attention to the dreams allowed him to prepare and save countless lives. 

Similarly, paying attention to our dreams and addressing them through prayer can help us avoid potential dangers and align ourselves with God’s protection and guidance.

Spiritual Warfare in Dreams

Dreams can be battlegrounds for spiritual warfare, where negative spiritual influences attempt to sow seeds of fear, confusion, and doubt. Recognizing these influences and combating them through prayer is essential for maintaining our spiritual well-being.

When we engage in spiritual warfare through prayer, we neutralize the enemy’s attacks and reclaim our peace and security in Christ. By addressing negative dreams, we assert our authority in Jesus’ name and protect ourselves from spiritual harm.

Prayers to Cancel Bad Dreams

Prayer is a powerful tool for neutralizing bad dreams and combating negative spiritual influences. As believers, we have the authority to cancel the effects of negative dreams and reclaim our peace and security in Christ. 

It’s essential not to ignore our dreams but to take them to the Lord in prayer, seeking His protection and guidance.

Specific Prayers

Prayer of Gratitude

  1. Lord, I thank You for granting me peaceful sleep last night.
  2. I praise You for Your protective hand over me during my rest.
  3. Thank You, Father, for rejuvenating my body and mind through sleep.
  4. I am grateful for the gift of a new day and renewed strength.
  5. Lord, I appreciate Your faithfulness in watching over me as I slept.
  6. Thank You for shielding me from nocturnal disturbances and attacks.
  7. I express gratitude for the rest that prepares me for today’s tasks.
  8. Father, I’m thankful for the blessing of waking up with a sound mind.
  9. I praise You for the comfort and security I find in Your presence while I sleep.
  10. Thank You, Lord, for the grace to lie down and rise up in Your care.

Purification through Jesus’ Blood

  1. I apply the blood of Jesus to cleanse every aspect of my dream experiences.
  2. By the blood of Jesus, I purify all people, places, and situations from my dreams.
  3. I neutralize every negative dream encounter through the power of Christ’s blood.
  4. Lord, let Your blood wash away any spiritual contamination from my dreams.
  5. I declare the blood of Jesus cleanses my subconscious mind from all impurities.
  6. Every dark influence from my dreams, be purged by the blood of the Lamb.
  7. I plead the blood of Jesus over my dream life, sanctifying it completely.
  8. By faith, I receive the purifying power of Christ’s blood over my night visions.
  9. Lord, let Your blood create a barrier against all evil dream infiltrations.
  10. I immerse my entire being in the cleansing flood of Jesus’ blood, removing all dream-borne defilements.

Cancel Negative Effects

  1. I cancel all negative effects of bad dreams in Jesus’ name.
  2. Every harmful consequence of last night’s dreams, be nullified now.
  3. I break the power of any curse activated through evil dreams.
  4. Lord, reverse any damage done to my spirit through negative dreams.
  5. I declare all adverse impacts of bad dreams void and of no effect.
  6. By faith, I erase every negative imprint left by disturbing dreams.
  7. I renounce and cancel every evil word spoken over me in dreams.
  8. All spiritual setbacks caused by bad dreams, be eliminated now.
  9. I invalidate every evil covenant established through my dreams.
  10. In Jesus’ name, I neutralize all negative energy released through bad dreams.

Neutralize Evil Manifestations

  1. I neutralize all evil manifestations from my dreams in the spirit realm.
  2. Every dark force trying to materialize from my dreams, be dismantled now.
  3. I cancel the physical outworking of any evil dream in Jesus’ name.
  4. Lord, nullify any demonic agenda set in motion through my dreams.
  5. I bind and cast out all evil spirits attempting to manifest through my dreams.
  6. By the authority in Christ, I neutralize every evil projection from the dream world.
  7. I declare all negative dream prophecies null and void in the physical realm.
  8. Every evil seed planted in my dreams, be uprooted before manifestation.
  9. I cancel all satanic strategies devised against me in the dream dimension.
  10. In Jesus’ name, I neutralize every evil atmosphere created by bad dreams.

Paralyze Harmful Programs

  1. Every harmful program inserted into my life through dreams, be paralyzed now.
  2. I disable all negative coding implanted in my subconscious through dreams.
  3. Lord, jam the signals of every evil program operating in my dream life.
  4. I declare all malicious spiritual software in my dreams crashed and deleted.
  5. Every satanic download attempting to run in my life through dreams, freeze now.
  6. I cancel the execution of any evil agenda programmed into me while I slept.
  7. All destructive scripts written into my destiny through dreams, be erased now.
  8. I overwrite every harmful instruction given to my spirit in dreams with God’s Word.
  9. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I debug my spiritual system of all dream-borne viruses.
  10. I terminate the operation of every evil program seeking to control my life through dreams.

Render Every Demonic Forces Powerless

  1. All demonic forces assigned to execute evil dreams, I render you powerless now.
  2. I strip every dream attacker of their strength in Jesus’ mighty name.
  3. By the authority of Christ, I paralyze all evil spirits operating in my dream life.
  4. I bind and cast out all demonic entities seeking to manifest my bad dreams.
  5. Lord, release Your warring angels to defeat all forces of darkness in my dreams.
  6. I declare every weapon formed against me in dreams impotent and ineffective.
  7. All satanic armies mobilized against me in the dream realm, be scattered now.
  8. I disarm and disable every demonic agent assigned to my dream life.
  9. By faith, I trample upon all evil powers seeking to execute negative dreams.
  10. In the name of Jesus, I command all dream tormentors to flee from my life.

Peace Over Troubling Revelations

  1. Father, I declare that troubling dream revelations will not disturb my peace.
  2. I receive God’s perfect peace that surpasses all understanding over my dreams.
  3. Lord, calm the storms in my heart stirred up by disturbing dreams.
  4. I reject all fear and anxiety triggered by troubling dream revelations.
  5. By faith, I embrace the tranquility of Christ in the face of unsettling dreams.
  6. I declare that no dream shall rob me of the joy of the Lord, which is my strength.
  7. Holy Spirit, flood my mind with Your peace, drowning out all dream-induced worries.
  8. I choose to trust in God’s sovereign control, regardless of troubling dream revelations.
  9. Lord, let Your peace guard my heart and mind against all dream-borne disturbances.
  10. I rest in the assurance of God’s love, unshaken by any troubling dream revelations.

Uproot Negative Origins While Speaking In Tongues

  1. As I pray in tongues, Lord, uproot the evil origins of every bad dream.
  2. Holy Spirit, trace and destroy the roots of all negative dreams as I speak in tongues.
  3. I declare every demonic seedbed of evil dreams exposed and eliminated as I pray.
  4. By the power of praying in the Spirit, I dismantle the foundations of all bad dreams.
  5. Lord, let the fire of Your Spirit consume the sources of every evil dream as I pray in tongues.
  6. I speak destruction to the demonic altars fueling bad dreams in my life.
  7. As I yield to the Holy Spirit in tongues, break every generational cycle of evil dreams.
  8. I declare divine intervention against the spiritual roots of nightmares as I pray.
  9. Lord, let my tongues become a weapon to demolish the strongholds behind evil dreams.
  10. By faith, I uproot every evil tree producing bad fruits in my dream life through praying in tongues.

Command the Dream to Lose its Power

  1. I command every evil dream to lose its power over my life now in Jesus’ name.
  2. I strip all negative dreams of their ability to influence my reality.
  3. By the authority in Christ, I declare all bad dreams powerless and ineffective.
  4. I break the grip of every haunting dream over my mind and emotions.
  5. Lord, drain the strength from every dream seeking to exert control over me.
  6. I command all lingering effects of negative dreams to dissipate now.
  7. In Jesus’ name, I nullify the potency of every dream-borne curse.
  8. I declare that no evil dream shall have dominion over my thoughts or actions.
  9. By faith, I dismantle the power structure of every oppressive dream.
  10. I speak to every dream: “You shall not consume me, your power is broken!”

Negate Evil Messages

  1. Every evil message conveyed through my dreams, be nullified now.
  2. I reject and cancel all negative words spoken over me in dreams.
  3. Lord, erase every evil inscription written on my life through dreams.
  4. I declare all demonic prophecies delivered in dreams null and void.
  5. By the truth of God’s Word, I counter every lie planted in my dreams.
  6. I renounce and revoke every evil decree issued against me in dreams.
  7. All curses disguised as messages in my dreams, be broken now.
  8. I silence every evil voice that has spoken to me through dreams.
  9. Lord, rewrite every negative narrative presented to me in dreams.
  10. I declare that only God’s messages of life and hope shall prevail in my dreams.

Destroy Harmful Deposits

  1. Every evil deposit in my body from dreams, be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.
  2. I command all spiritual toxins planted through dreams to be flushed out of my system.
  3. By the fire of the Holy Spirit, I incinerate every demonic implant from my dreams.
  4. I reject and expel all negative energies deposited in me through dreams.
  5. Lord, purge my body, soul, and spirit of every dream-borne contamination.
  6. I declare my body a no-go area for evil deposits from the dream realm.
  7. Every seed of darkness sown in me through dreams, wither and die now.
  8. I neutralize the effects of any spiritual poison administered to me in dreams.
  9. By faith, I flush out every evil substance injected into my life through dreams.
  10. I command all dream-induced spiritual parasites to die and be expelled from my body.

Return Demonic Arrows

  1. Every demonic arrow fired at me in dreams, come out and return to your senders now.
  2. I extract all evil projectiles lodged in my body from dream attacks.
  3. By the blood of Jesus, I nullify the effects of every spiritual arrow in my life.
  4. I command all dream-launched weapons to backfire on their senders.
  5. Lord, let Your angels intercept and return every arrow of the enemy.
  6. I declare my body impenetrable to all demonic arrows, in dreams or reality.
  7. Every evil arrow seeking my downfall, go back and destroy your sender’s camps.
  8. I reject and return all curses packaged as arrows in my dreams.
  9. By God’s power, I redirect all weapons formed against me in dreams to their origin.
  10. I stand as a mirror, reflecting back every evil arrow shot at me in the spirit realm.

Scatter Evil Altars

  1. Every altar servicing evil dreams in my life, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  2. I destroy all demonic altars erected against my dream life.
  3. Lord, release Your lightning to strike down every altar of nightmare in my life.
  4. I nullify the power of every ancestral altar affecting my dreams.
  5. By faith, I overturn all tables of divination consulting against my dream life.
  6. I silence every evil priest ministering at altars against my peaceful sleep.
  7. Lord, let Your earthquake destroy the foundations of every altar of dark dreams.
  8. I renounce all covenants with evil altars manipulating my dreams.
  9. By the blood of Jesus, I quench the fire on every altar fueling bad dreams.
  10. I command a holy storm to sweep away all altars of oppression in my dream life.

Erase Identifying Marks Used by Devil

  1. Every mark on my body or destiny used by the devil for dream attacks, be erased.
  2. I wash away all spiritual tags making me vulnerable to evil dreams.
  3. By the blood of Jesus, I remove every demonic label on my life.
  4. I cancel all evil inscriptions on my soul inviting dream torments.
  5. Lord, erase every signature of darkness in my life attracting bad dreams.
  6. I renounce and erase all covenantal marks exposing me to dream attacks.
  7. By faith, I wipe off every evil imprint on my spirit drawing negative dreams.
  8. I declare my life free from all identifying marks used by dream tormentors.
  9. Lord, overwrite every coded message on my life with Your Word and promises.
  10. I cleanse my bloodline of all generational marks making me a target for evil dreams.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

  1. Thank You, Lord, for hearing and answering my prayers against evil dreams.
  2. I’m grateful for Your divine protection over my sleep and dream life.
  3. Father, I appreciate Your power that destroys every work of darkness in my dreams.
  4. Thank You for the peace that now guards my heart and mind as I sleep.
  5. I’m thankful for the blood of Jesus that cleanses me from all dream defilements.
  6. Lord, I praise You for breaking the power of every evil altar affecting my dreams.
  7. Thank You for erasing all marks that made me vulnerable to spiritual attacks in dreams.
  8. I’m grateful for Your word that is a lamp to my feet, even in the dream realm.
  9. Father, I appreciate the ministering angels You’ve assigned to watch over my sleep.
  10. Thank You, Lord, for turning my dream life into a channel of divine revelation and blessings.


Dreams can be powerful tools of divine revelation, offering guidance and warnings. However, they can also be used by the devil to attack and manipulate us. When we take our dreams seriously and engage in prayer, we can neutralize negative influences and align ourselves with God’s protection and guidance.

Prayer is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare, enabling us to cancel the effects of bad dreams and reclaim our peace and security in Christ. I encourage you to pray the specific prayers outlined in this post and remain vigilant about your spiritual well-being. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the spiritual battleground of dreams and experience God’s blessings and protection in your life.

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