Prayers When Heavens Are Closed – 70 Prayer Points Against Closed Heavens

Have you ever tried talking to a friend, and they don’t answer back? It can feel quite lonely, right? Sometimes I guess it can feel the same way, when you try to pray to God and it feels like He is not listening either. That my dear friend is what we refer to as “closed heavens”.

It is like there is a big invisible roof between you and God. It literally feels like your prayers are hitting a brick wall. Many believers go through seasons where it seems like the heavens are closed, and no matter how hard they try, it just seems to be unable to reach God.

However, you should not worry so much. It is almost impossible for God to be far away from you. He always hears you even though it does not feel like it.

In this post, we will discuss what to do When your prayers feel hard and Heavens are closed.

What Does a “Closed Heaven” Feel Like?


Just Picture that: You’re on your knees, pouring your heart out to God, but it feels like your words are just echoing in an empty room. Your usual sense of God’s presence is gone. Prayers that once flowed easily now feel forced and hollow. This, my friend, is what many describe as a “closed heaven.”

It’s a season where:

  • Answers to prayer seem far
  • God feels distant or silent
  • Your spiritual life feels dry and lifeless
  • Doubts creep in more easily

Why Do We Experience Closed Heavens?

There can be various reasons for this spiritual drought:

  1. Sin and Disobedience: Sometimes, unconfessed sin creates a barrier between us and God.
  2. Testing of Faith: God may allow periods of silence to strengthen our trust in Him.
  3. Spiritual Warfare: The enemy may be attempting to discourage us and weaken our faith.
  4. Natural Seasons: Just as the earth has seasons, our spiritual lives can have ebbs and flows.
  5. Satanic Attacks: Direct opposition from the enemy can create a sense of spiritual blockage.

How to Recognize Satanic Attacks

You have to understand that sometimes, a closed heaven can be the result of direct spiritual opposition. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world.”

How to You Tell If Satan Is Attacking You?:

  • Sudden, intense spiritual dryness
  • Overwhelming feelings of condemnation or unworthiness
  • Unusual obstacles when trying to pray or read the Bible
  • A barrage of negative thoughts or temptations
  • Unexplained physical or emotional exhaustion

4 Steps to Respond to Satanic Attacks:

  1. Put on the Full Armor of God: Ephesians 6:13-18 outlines the spiritual armor we need to stand firm against the enemy’s schemes.
  2. Pray in the Spirit: Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers, especially when you feel at a loss for words (Romans 8:26).
  3. Declare God’s Word: Speak Scripture aloud, following Jesus’ example of using God’s Word to combat temptation (Matthew 4:1-11).
  4. Seek Intercessory Prayer: Ask trusted believers to pray with you and for you during this time of.

How to Pray When Heaven Seems Closed

1. Keep On Praying

When heaven feels closed, our natural inclination might be to give up on prayer altogether. But this is precisely the time we need to press in even harder. Remember the parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8)? Jesus told this story to encourage us “always to pray and not lose heart.”

Action Steps:

  • Set aside dedicated prayer time each day, even if it feels unproductive
  • Use written prayers or Psalms when your own words fail you
  • Enlist prayer partners to stand with you in this season

2. Take Stock of Your Own Heart

Although a closed heaven is not all due to sin, it is good to spend some time examining oneself. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you are there areas where he may have been wounded or You have not obeyed God’s will.

Prayer for Self-Examination:

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Based on Psalm 139:23-24)

3. Focus on God’s Character, Not Your Feelings

If you can feel It is important to choose what we know is true about God’s character when we can’t him there. He is steadfast, he is kind, and he has good intentions for all of us–even if our thoughts say otherwise.

Meditation Exercise: Take time now to meditate upon what God’s unchanging nature is like from Scripture itself. Here are some references that may aid you in this exercise: 

  • Malachi 3:6
  • Hebrews 13:8
  • James 1:17

4. Praise and Thanksgiving

Praise is a powerful weapon against spiritual darkness, and so when you do not feel like doing so. This expression of faith may well bring about a breakthrough in the feeling that heaven is silent.

Practical Tip: Begin a gratitude journal. Each day, write down 3-5 things that you are thankful for, no matter how small they may seem to be.

5. Community and Accountability

Do not seclude yourself during this time but instead seek support, encouragement and disciplining from your faith community or church.

Ideas for Connection:

  • Become part of a small group or Bible study
  • Meet regularly with a spiritual mentor/ pastor
  • Attending prayer meetings at your church

6. Fasting and Spiritual Disciplines

Sometimes, when the heavens are closed, a more intense practice is needed. This may be fasting, saying special prayers, or any number of other things meant to intensify our love and openness towards God which are so necessary in moments like these.

Types of Fasts to Consider:

  • Food fasts (always consult a doctor first)
  • Social media or entertainment fasts
  • Speaking fasts (periods of intentional silence)

7. Pray the Promises of God

When your own words feel inadequate, pray God’s words back to Him. The Bible is full of promises we can claim in prayer.

“Lord, You promise in James 4:8 that if I draw near to You, You will draw near to me. I’m drawing near now, trusting that You are faithful to Your word.”

20 Prayers to Pray Against Closed Heavens

Sometimes, we need a little help jumpstarting our prayer life, especially when heaven feels closed. Here are 50 short, powerful prayers you can use to break through spiritual barriers and reconnect with God:

1. Lord, let the eyes of my heart be opened to see You at work even in silence.”

2. Dear Father, forgive me for any sin that is building a wall between us

3. Revive in me, Holy Spirit, a love for prayer and an affection to move with Your presence.

4. Lord Jesus, help me to trust Your timing and Your ways.

5. Lord, increase my faith in this season

6. Father, make me a man who can last in prayer when it feels futile.

7. Lord, lift up my head and renew hope in me.

8. I yield to You, Holy Spirit, pray through me

9. Every Chain, O God that is hindering me from intimacy with you, be broken in the name of Jesus.

10. Holy Spirit fill me afresh today.

Prayers Points Against Closed Heavens

11. Every fallow ground of my heart, Be Broken in the name of Jesus.

12. Breathe new life into my prayer.

13. Father, I shift my focus from the world to Your Word.”

14.  Every stronghold that is keeping me from pursuing  God be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

15. Father, let Your kingdom come and will be done on my life.

16. Fill me with your power, Holy Spirit, so I can testify for you in this wilderness.

17. Shine on me again, God. Shine right in my face.

18.  Holy Spirit, manifest and produce Your fruit in me especially patience and self-control.

19. Holy Spirit, breathe new life into my prayer life.

20. Lord, I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

21. Father, help me to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

22. Lord, renew a right spirit within me.

23. Father, help me to put on the full armor of God to stand against spiritual attacks.

24. Jesus, increase my faith to move mountains of doubt and unbelief.

25. God, I declare that the joy of the Lord is my strength, even in this valley.”

20 Prayer Points Against Satanic Attacks And Spiritual Warfare That Can Cause Closed Heavens

1. Lord Jesus, by Your blood, I break every satanic seal blocking and stopping me from praying in the name Jesus.

2. Every demonic barrier erected against my spiritual breakthrough, be exposed and destroyed in the name of Jesus.

3. Holy Spirit, grant me discernment to recognize and resist the enemy’s schemes causing spiritual dryness.

4. In the name of Jesus, I bind and cast out every spirit of heaviness trying to suffocate my prayer life.

5. Oh Lord, dispatch Your warring angels to battle against principalities opposing my open heavens.

6. Lord, let Your consuming fire destroy every altar raised against my destiny in the spirit realm.

7. Jesus, break the power of every generational curse blocking my access to heaven’s blessings.

8. By faith, I put on the full armor of God, standing firm against the devil’s attacks on my prayer life.

9. Holy Spirit, empower me to pray with authority, breaking through every satanic resistance.

10. Father, I silence every accusing voice in the spiritual realm that tries to condemn me before Your throne.

Prayer Points Against Satanic Attacks

11. In Jesus’ name, I cancel every demonic assignment designed to create a blockage between me and God.

12. Every seed of doubt and unbelief planted by the enemy to hinder my faith, be uprooted in the name of Jesus.

13. I declare that no weapon formed against my spiritual life shall prosper, in Jesus’ name.

14. Holy Spirit, help me to pray in tongues, bypassing satanic interference in my communication with heaven.

15. Heavenly Father, demolish every stronghold of the enemy in my mind that prevents me from hearing Your voice clearly.

16. Jesus, by Your stripes, I claim healing from every spiritual wound inflicted by the enemy’s attacks.”

17. Lord, restore every spiritual sense that has been dulled by prolonged satanic warfare.”

18. I plead the blood of Jesus over my home, family, and prayer life, establishing a barrier against dark forces.”

19. Father, grant me the perseverance to continue in prayer, even when facing intense spiritual opposition.”

20. In the authority of Jesus’ name, I command every demonic force causing spiritual blindness and deafness to flee from my life.”

Remember, these prayers are most effective when prayed with faith, coupled with a life of obedience to God’s Word and continual submission to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.


Please remember, friend, that times of closed heavens do not last forever. Just as surely as spring follows winter, a spiritual breakthrough will come if we persist in faith. The key is to keep praying, even when it feels like heaven is closed. Our God is faithful, and He hears every cry of our hearts.

As you apply the strategies we’ve discussed and pray through the 50 prayers against closed heavens, trust that God is working behind the scenes. He may be silent, but He is never absent. Keep knocking, keep seeking, keep asking – for Jesus Himself promised that everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened (Matthew 7:8).

Your breakthrough is coming. Don’t give up hope. Keep praying, even when heaven seems closed, for it is often in our darkest moments that God is doing His greatest work in us and through us.


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